ICI Bucharest


World Champion David Popovici launches his first-ever NFT, in support of ICI D|SERVICES, the first European NFT institutional trading platform

David Popovici, the Romanian swimming sensation and World Champion, is proud to announce the release of his first-ever NFT. Titled “ICONS of the Generational Circle”, this NFT represents the first release of a collection that aims to honor the icons of Olympic Sports. The NFT will start auctioning on April 26th, 2023, on ICI D|SERVICES, the first European NFT institutional trading platform.

ICI D|SERVICES (ICI Decentralized Services) has been developed by the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics – ICI Bucharest and will be dedicated to digital assets. It will initially manage NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and operate on the basis of Blockchain and Web3 technologies. This represents the first governmental initiative to join the ecosystem of innovative applications built on the MultiversX blockchain network.

The platform will be officially launched on April 26th, 2023 at the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, Romania, at the Critical Infrastructure Protection Forum - CIP Forum 2023, an international event that focuses on Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection. The launch of ICI D|SERVICES is an important milestone for Romania, as it highlights the country's engagement to digital innovation and technological advancement in new emerging decentralized ecosystems of blockchain and Web3. The ICI D|SERVICES platform will function similarly to an existing NFT marketplace, serving public and institutional purposes by operating in compliant, transparent and superior security frameworks.

David Popovici also welcomed the announcement, saying: “My first NFT is my personal way of honoring so many of my heroes, icons of Olympic Sports, but also authentic models of dedication and perseverance, who can inspire younger generations to find their passion and become the champions of tomorrow, regardless of their chosen path. I am also thrilled to play a small part in the launching of the first government initiative of this kind, which proves once again, on the one hand, that Romania is deserving of its reputation as a country of innovation and, on the other hand, that passion can fuel evolution in any field: from sports to government.”

As part of the platform launch, there will be five more institutional NFT collections on ICI D|SERVICES, available as Digital Collectibles:

Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee. "The Generational Circle" debut NFT collection represents a recognition of the history of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee and the history of Romania's presence at the Olympics, virtually made in the form of historical moments represented by NFTs. The collection includes a special exclusive NFT drop titled "ICONS of the Generational Circle" paying tribute to icons of the Olympic sports.

AGERPRES. "Memories of Future Self" NFT collection represents awarded AGERPRES archive photographs of Romanian legacy and a view of rare moments immortalized in history.

Romfilatelia launches the first NFT collection of digital stamps

Romfilatelia, the sole authority designated by the Romanian Government to issue postage stamps, presents a unique NFT collection of 15 digital stamps entitled “A World in a Stamp”.

The collection comprises stamps that have been transformed into NFTs with special attention paid to the first Romanian stamps Bull Head and the gold replica of the first stamp of 27 parale, to astronomical phenomena, famous Romanian actors, and the royal history of Romania.

The collection also includes stamps that celebrate the Universal Postal Union and the documented existence of Bucharest.

Each NFT features beautifully illustrated designs and intricate details such as gold foiling and graphic elements printed with ink visible in UV.

Don't miss the opportunity to own a piece of Romanian philatelic history with this one-of-a-kind NFT collection.

Central University Library "Carol I". "Our AI Story - Central University Library Reimagined" is a unique NFT collection of AI-generated artworks that capture different aspects of the library, highlighting its rich history, cultural significance and its role as a gateway to knowledge.

National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics - ICI Bucharest. "Past | Present | Future” NFT Collection represents the Institute's tribute to Research and Innovation for over half of century of activity, combining scientific breakthroughs and technological advancements of Web3, with creative and artistic expression.

In the future, ICI D|SERVICES will be able to serve the society with trading and managing of digital assets, as well as tokenized elements owned, generated and traded by advanced institutional ecosystems in areas such as education, intellectual property, insurance, real estate records, property titles, certificates of authenticity, energy certificates, supply and distribution chains, art, fundraising and many other assets suitable for Digitization. The platform's highly secure and decentralized blockchain network provides superior protection against cyber threats, ensuring a safe and efficient trading experience of digital assets.

The launch of ICI D|SERVICES and the institutional NFT collections at the CIP Forum 2023 in Bucharest, Romania, highlights the first steps towards new opportunities of user interactions with institutions in Web3.

For the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics – ICI Bucharest, it is a noteworthy step towards Innovation by developing and building a framework for a sustainable and secure economy, benefiting the interaction between citizens, businesses and institutional entities in decentralized digital ecosystems. Visit us at ICI D|SERVICES.