Research on policies and advanced security solutions for critical infrastructure directed against cyber attacks

Project Coordinator: Dr. Eng. Adrian Victor VEVERA – Scientific Researcher II

This study focuses on ​​industrial control systems. Vulnerabilities of the organizational structure, industrial control systems and networks, and applied security procedures can be exploited involuntarily or deliberately by attackers, generating cyber-events that may have a strong impact on business, critical infrastructure, and national security.


Cybernetic polygon for industrial control systems – ROCYRAN

Project Coordinator: Dr. Carmen Elena CÎRNU – Scientific Researcher II

Given that automated command-control systems monitor and control processes in a diversity of worldwide critical industries and infrastructures (energy production, transport and distribution, water distribution and wastewater treatment processes, agriculture, processing food and chemicals, etc.), effective protection against cyber threats is tantamount to protecting these essential infrastructures from disruption, material damage and / or financial loss.


Non-invasive monitoring system and health assessment of the elderly in a smart environment Ro – SmartAgeing

ICI Project Coordinator: Eng. Marilena IANCULESCU – Scientific Researcher III

The overall objective of the project is to demonstrate the potential of ICT (ICT of cloud computing, Big Data, predictive analytics) for the positive transformation of how health care services are provided to the elderly and to the care provider staff.


New solutions to complex problems in current ITC research areas based on modeling and optimization

Project Coordinator: Dr. Eng. Radu Marius BONCEA – Scientific Researcher III

The project focuses on developing a collection of new solutions to complex problems in current areas of ITC research, based on modeling and optimization. New solutions mean new methods and models, methodologies, algorithms and software, as a result of modeling complex problems.


Advanced applications of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

ICI Project Coordinator: Dr. Eng. Liviu BADEA – Scientific Researcher I

The project started from the idea of ​​complementarity, synergy and convergence between Big Data and Deep Learning, truly exploited with the latest developments – interrelated – in both areas. Until recently, the Big Data approach has focused particularly on data management. These are extremely useful in many applications, but in many circumstances there is still much information left out of date.


New 5G Architecture for Connectivity, Mobility and Interoperability in Ultra-Dense Wireless Networks

Project Coordinator: Andreea DINU – ACS

The project "New 5G architecture for connectivity, mobility and interoperability in ultra-dense wireless networks" performs an analysis of the aspects of connectivity, interoperability, mobility, security and scalability in the 5G environment. The project deals with the theme that interoperability will integrate different emerging technologies into 5G networks.


Tele-assistance system, based on artificial intelligence, for the detection and management of risks, falls and behavioral changes

Project Coordinators: Dr. Eng. Ionuț PETRE – Scientific Researcher III, Virginia SĂNDULESCU

The project deals with the subject of the use of ICT technologies to ensure independent living for the elderly and / or with disabilities, chronic conditions, to increase the comfort and safety of users' lives, avoiding institutionalization. The issue of ensuring an independent and safe life for the elderly was addressed from three perspectives: risk identification and management, data security and interoperability of solutions and components of home tele-assistance / telemonitoring systems.


Integrated adaptive system for the pedestrian crossing points monitoring and coordinating

Project Coordinator: Dr. Eng. Sorin SOVIANY – Scientific Researcher III

Foundation of solutions for the concept of Smart Safety implementation in a Smart City ecosystem, through the intelligent monitoring and coordination of pedestrian crossings. A conceptual model generation enabling the implementation of the intelligent zebra concept, customized in respect to the traffic scenarios and the target areas features. Models specification and assessment for the dynamic management of pedestrian traffic at a crossing point. Development of innovative methods and models for the pedestrian traffic coordination based on an intelligent, adaptive pedestrian crossing monitoring system.


Increasing the performance of Cloud services through analysis and development of a billing system

Project Coordinator: PhD. Math. Dragoş Cătălin BARBU – Scientific Researcher III

The project describes the stages of the implementation process of a pilot system for monitoring and estimating the operation costs of cloud services, by describing methods for the analysis of the parameters measured at the level of a data center and models for billing and streamlining the operation costs of cloud resources, which lead to an improved methodology for evaluating the Cloud services.