New 5G Architecture for Connectivity, Mobility and Interoperability in Ultra-Dense Wireless Networks

Project Coordinator: Andreea DINU – ACS

General objectives of the project

The New 5G Architecture for Connectivity, Mobility and Interoperability in Ultra-Dense Wireless Networks project proposes the following objectives:

I. The convergence of 5G technologies, achieved through the large-scale integration of heterogeneous technologies – hardware and software – to increase and contextualize the service offer;

II. 5G Interoperability Architecture and Interfaces, required to deliver connectivity and enable extended mobility in a 5G environment;

III. Cooperative radio-optical architectures, usable in reducing/cancelling interference;

IV. Integrating 5G interoperability with access networks and M2M networks, by adapting the access layer to M2M networks, based on draft standards;

V. Ubiquitous connectivity and mobility in the 5G environment ensured by DVB-NGH technologies, achievable by advanced digital modulation (coding) schemes, MIMO techniques and antenna characteristics profiling;

VI. Integrating DVB-NGH access into the functional architecture of a 5G system, a completely new approach, which aims to integrate the DVB-NGH framework into the 5G system architecture in order to massively increase the mobility of 5G terminals;

VII. Complex cooperative and opportunistic networks, with architectures that solve problems of routing, latency and mobility.

Project description

The fundamental issue of 5G systems / networks involves complex aspects from the fields of digital communication technologies, the innovative structuring and organization of 5G architectures, in relation to existing 4G models, the anticipatory design of new devices / terminals, the major change in policy criteria regarding spectrum regulation.

In this effervescent environment, constantly exploding information and achievements that concern the entire community of the communications industry and technical / scientific research in the fields of information and communications technology, the present project was concerned with finding the principles that make possible the convergence of wireless technologies (including photonic ones) in an environment characterized by universal connectivity. Also, the project aimed to determine the structures (interfaces) that allow the connection of radio and optical architectures to reduce interference in the communications environment. Finally, the project addressed the principles of cooperation between networks to massively increase resources and their permanent provision to support services and applications.

Interoperability in 5G networks is conceived, in the project, as a tool for harmonizing broadband and ultra-broadband M2M communications, integrating heterogeneous resources, including from non-specific domains, such as the latest generation DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) access technologies. The inclusion of DVB technologies in the physical layer of an M2M interoperability architecture in the 5G environment is a completely new aspect, not (yet) addressed in specialist research. The framework of an M2M interoperability architecture in the 5G environment is designed based on emerging technologies and access levels.


  • Requirements and basic concepts of 5G networks;
  • Wireless connectivity and mobility technologies with dynamic spectrum access;
  • Energy-efficient wireless technologies for terminals;
  • The concept, criteria and mechanisms of interoperability;
  • Interoperability interfaces;
  • The hybrid wireless-optical broadband access network;
  • EPON – WiMAX hybrid network;
  • Wireless hybrid network – FSO;
  • Optical network based on WiFi;
  • Study of the integration of the interoperability access layer in access networks and M2M networks;
  • Analysis of M2M interoperability standardization activities;
  • Advanced modulation and multiplexing schemes in DVB-NGH technologies;
  • Self-configurable MIMO systems and transmission/reception feature profiling integrated into DVB-NGH access;
  • DVB-NGH frame model for integration into a 5G access network;
  • DVB-NGH hybrid architecture – 5G system;
  • Diversity strategies for cooperative communication relay channels;
  • Spectral efficiency schemes based on the exploitation of nonorthogonal multiple access techniques;
  • Multiple access cooperative schemes based on routing strategies and interference alignment.