Project Coordinators: Dr. Eng. Ionuț PETRE – Scientific Researcher III, Virginia SĂNDULESCU
General objectives of the project
Project description
Adapting to an aging society requires greater independence and social inclusion. It is necessary to create favorable environments for the elderly, integrate accessibility and develop products and services adapted to the needs of this population category.
The personalized approach to the problem of preventive actions within tele-assistance services for people, especially the elderly living alone at home, supported by the latest technologies in the ICT field, has an important role in solving the challenges of helping the elderly and/or with disabilities, chronic conditions to live independently, to remain active, involved as much as possible in social life and to improve their quality of life, avoiding institutionalization.
For these people, falls are unwanted events that can negatively impact health.
The project proposed the design and implementation of intelligent solutions that can be integrated into tele-assistance / telemonitoring solutions at home, based on the new ICT technologies, for determining risk factors at home and reducing the associated effects.
The project had the following realization phases:
Phase 1: Preliminary analysis of telemonitoring/tele-assistance solutions for the elderly at home
Phase 2: Fall detection protocol design
Phase 3: Design protocol for detecting behavioral changes associated with health degradation
Phase 4: Implementation of sensor network for detecting falls in the home
Phase 5: Implementing a complex sensor to detect behavioral risks
Phase 6: Design of the telemonitoring platform and analysis of standardization and interoperability requirements
Phase 7: Implementation of complex platform for telemonitoring of risk factors at home
Phase 8: Testing/analysis/improvement and validation of proposed solutions
The project also contributed to supporting the objective of the National Strategy regarding the Digital Agenda for Romania - 2020: ICT in education, culture and health, as well as supporting the objective: Smart specialization priorities, which involve the definition and consolidation of areas of high competence where there are actual or potential comparative advantages and which can contribute significantly to GDP.
2. Type of result: studies, research reports with the following socio-economic effects:
The design of high-performance solutions both from the point of view of the functionalities offered and from the point of view of security and interoperability will lead to the diversification of the offer of intelligent home care solutions and to the increase of their use. By creating standards, recommendations and guides in the field, both the development of tele-assistance systems and the provision of services in the field are encouraged;
The development of the home tele-assistance market will lead to an increase in the offer of technical solutions and tele-assistance services, thus increasing competition in the field. Thus, an increase in the population's access to these solutions and services can be expected. Also, the creation of interoperable solutions will allow the integration of solutions provided by different economic agents, creating more possibilities for the implementation of solutions;
In the short and medium term, by increasing the population's access to tele-assistance services at home, the costs of medical care both at home and in specialized centers are reduced, and the number of consultations is reduced.
In the long term, total health costs are reduced by improving the general health of the population, as home tele-assistance systems allow the application of disease prevention strategies through the early detection of symptoms for various conditions.
3. Papers: ISI articles and articles in other databases.