Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Eng. Ciprian DOBRE – Scientific Researcher I
Overall objectives of the project
The general objective of the project is to support the creation of educational and research competences in Open Science (OS), by exploring innovative mechanisms and tools for a training in Research Data Management (RDM) practices.
The specific objectives of the project are the following:
- training needs analysis and mapping for Open Science and RDM in the existing curricula of the partner entities, taking into account the different dimensions of the OS, the target groups and the extent of existing knowledge;
- reviewing the existing good practices in developing the skills in OS and in RDM field;
- development of a set methodological training tools for OS and RDM;
- development, validation and dissemination of a quality pilot training program for OS and RDM;
- development of a training network around the OS and RDM concepts;
- encouraging, motivating, supporting and recognizing skills among researchers and students towards OS and RDM.
The specific objectives are divided into the target groups of the project:
- For MSc and PhD students:
- acquiring the ability to use and manage data;
- developing the understanding capacity in operating with OS concepts;
- the broadening of prospects for a future career through new skills in data access.
- increasing the expertise of storage and reuse of data;
- developing the correct use of DPI and copyright;
- increasing the research capacity through open access to research results and data
- development / updating of courses by incorporating the OS and RDM concepts;
- encouraging collaboration in related areas of OS and RDM.
Project description
Open Science (OS) offers new ways in which research / education / innovation are performed, archived, organized and disseminated around the world. Open science is not about dogma per se: it is about greater effectiveness and productivity, greater transparency and a better response to the needs of interdisciplinary research. But OS requires a cultural change in academic and research institutions, including through acquiring new knowledge and skills in domains such as open access publishing and research data sharing. Master Degree and Ph.D. students, as well as the researchers, can represent, without a doubt, the instruments for changing the traditional science and publishing system, and OS is the key factor that determines this change. However, this change may take longer than expected, unless it is promoted especially regarding the OS practices. Therefore, a favourable environment is needed, where there are opportunities to acquire awareness and knowledge and to develop skills relevant to OS.
TrainRDM aims to actively support the forming of competences in OS, by exploring innovative mechanisms and tools for training in good practice in the field of Research Data Management (RDM).
The project aims to:
- analyse and map the training skills needs for OS and RDM in the existing curricula of the partner entities, taking into account the different dimensions of the OS, the target groups and the extent of existing knowledge;
- review the existing good practices in developing the skills in OS and in RDM field;
- develop of a set methodological training tools for OS and RDM;
- develop, validate and disseminate a quality pilot training program for OS and RDM;
- develop a training network around the OS and RDM concepts;
- encourage, motivate, support and recognize skills among researchers and students towards OS and RDM.
Estimated results
The following intellectual outputs, learning / teaching / training activities and multiplier events will be developed / organized during the project:
- set of methodological tools for OS & RDM training;
- joint projection of the training program on OS and RDM;
- eLearning training platform distributed for OS and RDM.
- trainers’ winter week;
- students’ summer school;
- early-stage researchers’ training week.