Advanced Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Science and Application Domains

Project Coordinator: Dr. Eng. Liviu BADEA – Scientific Researcher I

Project objectives

  1. Strengthen and expand the expertise in Artificial Intelligence within our institute, as a prerequisite for tackling future projects, given the strategic importance of the AI domain.
  2. Research in advanced deep learning issues (investigation, experimentation, original contributions).
  3. Development of an experimental diagnostic application in the biomedical field using AI techniques.
  4. Development of an AI-based personalized predictive platform for remote monitoring of patients with neurodegenerative diseases.
  5. Development of an application involving AI techniques in the field of computer vision for cognitive agents.
  6. Increase the institutional position of ICI in advanced research and innovative technologies.

Project description

Phase 1. Current status

The objective of the phase is to investigate the current state-of-the-art in the field of advanced AI techniques and biomedical applications for monitoring patients with neurodegenerative diseases, given the high dynamics of research in these fields.

Phase 2. Biomedical applications - exploratory phase, specification and design

The objective of this phase is to develop specifications for the biomedical diagnostic support application and the predictive monitoring platform for neurodegenerative patients. At the same time, for the biomedical diagnostic application, an exploratory analysis of the data and associated methods will be conducted, followed by the development and testing of appropriate experimental modules. Technical, functional and design specifications will be developed for the neurodegenerative monitoring platform.

Phase 3. Advanced AI techniques - Investigation, analysis, experimentation

Building on the analysis of the current state of the art in AI in Phase 1, we aim to identify advanced AI techniques and methods of interest for applications in the project, with particular emphasis on analysis and experimentation of these methods.

Phase 4. Development of a monitoring platform for patients with neurodegenerative diseases

The objective of this phase is to develop the monitoring platform for patients with neurodegenerative diseases, resulting in an experimental model. The related research infrastructure will also be upgraded in this phase.

Phase 5. Biomedical applications - implementation and experimentation

This phase aims on the one hand at the development of an experimental biomedical diagnostic system (DiagMed) based on the results of phase 2, and on the other hand at the development of predictive models for prevention, early detection and long-term monitoring of patients with neurodegenerative diseases to be integrated into the NeuroPredict platform in phase 8.

Phase 6. AI techniques for cognitive agents

Given the exponential evolution of the AI field, we have planned in this phase to investigate, analyse and experiment with the latest usable methods for the computer vision application for cognitive agents that will be the subject of the next (7th) phase.

Phase 7. Artificial vision application for cognitive agents

The objective of this phase is to address the second application area in the project, namely computer vision for cognitive agents. The development of an application in this field is not only interesting in itself, but will allow a wide range of other applications to be addressed in the future, due to the high degree of genericity of the component modules.

Phase 8. Application consolidation and integration

In this final phase of the project we aim to consolidate and validate the applications and platform developed in the project.

Estimated results

  • Exploratory analysis methods for the biomedical application;
  • Experimental data analysis modules for the biomedical application;
  • Experimental computer vision modules;
  • Biomedical application;
  • Machine vision application for cognitive agents;
  • Predictive Personalised Platform Pilot System providing:
    • Monitoring services for patients with neurodegenerative diseases,
    • Predictive models for prevention, early detection and long-term monitoring of patients with neurodegenerative diseases;
  • State of the art studies in the areas addressed;
  • Phase research reports;
  • Patent applications;
  • Publications.