ICI Bucharest

Cooperation between Romania and Israel: Joint Research and Innovation in Cybersecurity

ICI Bucharest participated in an event dedicated to cooperation in cybersecurity between Romania and Israel, organized by the Embassy of Israel in Romania, the Ministry of Economy and Industry of Israel, the Israel Export Institute and the Romania-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Adrian-Victor Vevera, the general director of ICI Bucharest, emphasized the importance of joint research and innovation in cybersecurity in his speech at the event. "As cyber threats continue to evolve, it is essential that countries join forces to share knowledge, expertise and technology. The cooperation between Romania and Israel represents a model for how nations can effectively and proactively address these challenges," said the institute's general director.

The speech highlighted several key focus areas of the partnership, including developing advanced cybersecurity solutions and protecting critical infrastructures. The general director also highlighted the potential of bilateral initiatives such as joint research projects, technology exchange programs and the development of cybersecurity training programs.

The involvement of ICI Bucharest in this cooperation strengthens Romania's commitment to building a resilient digital society and opens new opportunities for collaboration with world-class experts. The event also provided a platform for experts from Romania and Israel to discuss challenges, best practices and emerging trends in the field of cyber security.

"Cyber ​​security is a shared responsibility," continued the general director of ICI Bucharest. "By pooling resources and expertise, Romania and Israel are not only strengthening their own defences, but they are also contributing to global resilience in the face of cyber threats."