ICI Bucharest

ICI Bucharest participated in the Cyber ​​​​Champions Summit

ICI Bucharest, through Adrian-Victor Vevera, the general director, participated in the Cyber ​​​​Champions Summit conference: "a bridge between the Transatlantic and Asia-Pacific", together with the Romanian Embassy in Canberra, represented by H.E. Radu Gabriel Safta, the ambassador of Romania, and Dan Cîmpean, the director of Romanian National Cyber Security Directorate (DSNC).

"Romania is committed to promoting cyber security through various strategic partnerships and research projects. Cooperation with global and regional partners is vital to address complex cybersecurity challenges and ensure collective security. An eloquent example is the project through which we develop a specialized platform in the energy sector, which represents a significant step in increasing simulation capabilities and response to cyber threats. The platform automatically generates virtual scenarios that make it impossible to mitigate complex cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, strengthening the resilience of our nation and NATO allies." pointed out Adrian-Victor Vevera.

Cyber ​​​​Champions Summit was dedicated to cooperation in cyber security at the NATO IP4 level, with Indo-Pacific partner states (Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and the Republic of Korea), bringing together experts, officials and representatives from the private sector.

On the sidelines of the Summit, a bilateral meeting was held between Romanian officials and their Australian counterparts in the field of cyber security, under the leadership of Ambassador Brendan Dowling, who is responsible for cyber issues and critical technologies. This first bilateral relations meeting marked an important step in diversifying and deepening the dialogue, opening new opportunities for cooperation in a field that transcends geographical borders.

We invite you to read the official press release of the Embassy of Romania in Australia for more information:

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