ICI Bucharest


On Thursday, December 12, 2019 took place the Romanian Academy Awards ceremony for the most outstanding scientific and cultural works of the year 2017.

The Romanian Academy awards 81 prizes, each bearing the name of a personality from the cultural or scientific fields represented in the 14 sections of the Romanian Academy: philology and literature, history, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geonomy, technical sciences, agronomy and forestry, medicine, economics, legal sciences and sociology, philosophy, theology, psychology and pedagogy, arts, architecture and audiovisual field, information science and technology.

Out of the total of 81 prizes, 70 prizes were awarded for the Romanian cultural and scientific achievements of 2017, for individual works or for works that were elaborated by groups of authors.

For section XIV. INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, the „Mihai Drăgănescu“ Prize was awarded for the Group of works “Soluții digitale pentru asigurarea stării de sănătate ȋn contextul orașelor inteligente” (“Digital solutions for health preservation in the context of smart cities”), whose authors are: ADRIANA ALEXANDRU and MARILENA IANCULESCU.

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