Digital Transformation and Governance

Digital transformation is a complex process that involves recalibrating and optimizing business processes and models, how to interact with partners along with improving their skills. Digital transformation involves a complex analysis of data, modeling organizational processes in order to optimize workflows and quality services.


In recent years, digital technologies have transformed the global economy and society in its entirety, having had a major impact on all sectors of activity and daily life. Data is at the heart of this transformation, as data-driven innovation will bring enormous benefits to citizens.

Intelligent data refers to concise data, resulting from the interaction and analysis of various data configurations in a meaningful manner, sorted by relevance, in order to turn data and knowledge into usable information in decision making.

The technological leaps in Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, big data and business intelligence have generated a vast amount of data and their proper management is now a central point of the information society.


Nowadays, the multitude of technical possibilities for data provision leads to a very heterogeneous supply of data, as well as to different levels of data usage. In order to facilitate access to and use of open government data, a harmonized and standardized technical implementation is needed - especially with regard to the formats and systems used.

The development of data usability and accessibility can be assisted by promoting the adoption of internationally recognized technical and security standards for data formatting, structuring and sharing.

Short description

The team carries out research activities in the following thematic areas:

  • business process optimization;
  • artificial intelligence, machine learning (Machine Learning);
  • big data management (Big Data);
  • advanced data analysis (Data Analytics);
  • elaboration and implementation of IT resilience strategies;
  • usability evaluation of software systems;
  • accessibility evaluation of customer IT products;
  • mechanisms to ensure the interoperability of information systems;
  • image processing and analysis, computer vision.

Main activities

  • fundamental and applied research;
  • development of products and services to solve concrete problems in the economy and society, in accordance with the areas of competence and professional expertise;
  • elaboration of studies, researches of evaluation of applications as Big Data sources;
  • Information technology support for the digital transformation of business and industry.

Relevant RDI projects

  • Advanced applications of Artificial intelligence and Big Data;
  • SPERO - Space technologies in the management of major disasters and crises, manifested at local, national and regional level;
  • Systems and applications based on convergence between Big Data, intelligent data analysis and advanced machine learning;
  • Research - Development and Innovation in ICT - Development of innovative products and services to serve the 10 sectors identified in the field of Smart Specialization;
  • Research on the use of advanced software tools for the analysis and visualization of large data.