Technology Transfer

Technology Transfer

Short description

The Technology Transfer department (ICICTT) is an organizational structure, with the scope to innovate and support IT technology transfer infrastructures, at inter-institutional levels in Romania. The department ensures the technological transfer and capitalizes on the results of its participatory research in IT&C at national and international levels, thus contributing to attracting funds, increasing the degree of innovation and economic competitiveness.

The Technology Transfer Structure (ICICTT) is an organizational structure, with the scope to innovate and support IT&C technology transfer infrastructures, at inter-institutional levels in Romania.

The mission of the Technology Transfer team (ICICTT) is to study the new emerging trends in IT&C (Industry 4.0 - 6.0) and to identify ways to implement and optimize them at the national level, allocating resources for customized studies and research.

The purpose is defined by stimulating and facilitating the development of new collaborations in the field of IT&C with private sector stakeholders (SMEs), national and international research and development institutes, the governmental sector, scientific communities in academia, start-up accelerators, etc.

The CTT ensures the technological transfer and capitalizes on the results of its participatory research in IT&C at national and international levels, thus contributing to attracting funds, increasing the degree of innovation and economic competitiveness.

General objectives

  • integration in the economic circuit of the products / processes resulting from the research-development-innovation activities of ICI Bucharest;
  • increasing the visibility of the research and development results of ICI Bucharest, using the appropriate means related to ensuring the technological transfer;
  • the development of new collaborations / partnerships between ICI Bucharest and other entities in the IT domain, in order to stimulate technology transfer;
  • perpetual training of the team on the priorities in the field of Technology Transfer;
  • increasing the number of patented products and technologies of ICI Bucharest.

Activities and services

Within the Technology Transfer structure, services and activities relevant for the continuous development of global technologies are offered and specific activities have been defined such as:

  • identification of potential partners (SMEs, universities, research centers and institutes, technology transfer entities, etc.) in order to collaborate in projects funded by national and/or European programs;
  • actions to promote and increase the visibility of the results of innovation in research and development of ICI Bucharest;
  • consulting services, technological information and technology transfer;
  • dissemination and promotion of research and innovation results between, for example: government institutions and industry, the scientific community and the business environment, etc., in the form of workshops and webinars, inventions / patents, specialized journals and online.